Dato: Tirsdag 4. juni 2013, kl. 09.00–15.15
Sted: Auditorium A, Studentsenteret, Parkveien 1, Universitetet i Bergen
Arrangementet er åpent for publikum. Gratis.
09:00-09:15 | Opening Welcome Welcome and Opening Remarks: Professor Sigmund Grønmo (Chair of the Holberg International Memorial Prize Board) |
09:15-10:45 | Panel 1: Climates of ChangeModerator: Roger Strand (University of Bergen) Roger Strand is Professor at and former Director of the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT) at the University of Bergen. His main research interest is scientific uncertainty and complexity at the interfaces between science, technology and society. 1. Barbara Czarniawska (GRI, School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg): ‘From sustainability to resilience: A change of wording or a change in thinking?’ Barbara Czarniawska is Professor of Management Studies at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She studies connections between popular culture and practice of management, and techniques of managing overflow in affluent societies as well as exploring techniques of fieldwork and the applications of narratology in social sciences. Her recent books in English include Cyberfactories: How News Agencies Produce News (2011) and Managing Overflow in Affluent Societies (edited with Orvar Löfgren, 2012). 2. Dominique Pestre (Directeur d’études, Ecole des hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales [EESS], Paris) ‘The economization of Environment, and after’ Dominique Pestre was trained as physicist and historian and is Professor at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, [EHESS], Paris . He has written on conceptual and philosophical questions, on technical, political and economic dimensions linked to scientific activity, and on contemporary topics including the relation between science and society. His recent publications include A contre-science. Politique et savoirs des sociétés contemporaines (2013), Historical perspectives on Science, Society and the Political: Report to the Science, Economy and Society Directorate (EC, 2007), Introduction aux Science Studies (2006), Les sciences pour la guerre (2004), Science, argent et politique (2003), and Heinrich Hertz, L'administration de la preuve (2002). 3. Mike Hulme (School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia) ‘Between two degrees and the rainbow’ Mike Hulme is Professor of Climate Change in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia (UEA), and is affiliated to the Science, Society and Sustainability (3S) Group in the School. His book Why We Disagree About Climate Change (2009) was chosen by The Economist magazine in 2009 as one of its science and technology books of the year. His next book, Exploring Climate Change Through Science and In Society, will be published by Routledge in August 2013. From 2000 to 2007 he was the Founding Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and from 2007 he is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the review journal Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIREs) Climate Change. |
10:45-11:15 | Coffee Break |
11:15-12:45 | Bruno Latour (2013 Holberg Prize Laureate; Science Po, Paris)Moderator: Professor Sigmund Grønmo (Chair of the Holberg International Memorial Prize Board) 'Gaia: The New Body Politic' Bruno Latour is Professor at Science Po, Paris, where he served as Vice-President for Research 2007-2012; since 2012 he has been responsible for the programme of Scientific Humanities and numerical methods. He was previously Professor at the Centre de sociologie de l’Innovation, École Nationale Supérieure des mines, Paris. His many books include Laboratory Life (1979), The Pasteurisation of France (1984), Science in Action (1987), We have never been modern (1991), Aramis or the Love of Technology (1992), The Making of Law (2002), Rejoicing, or the Torments of Religious Speech (2013), Reassembling the Social (2005), and On the Modern Cult of the Factish Gods (2009). A translation of his most recent book, An Inquiry into Modes of Existence (2012) is due out from Harvard University Press in 2013. His work has included two major international exhibitions, Iconclash; Beyond the Image Wars (2002) and Making Things Public (2005, with Peter Weibel). He is currently engaged in building AIME, a collaborative digital research platform supported by the ERC. He has received honorary degrees and medals from the Universities of Lund, Lausanne, Montreal, Bologna, Goteborg, and Warwick. His previous prizes include the Seigfried Unseld Prize (Frankfurt, 2008), the Kulturpreiz (Munich, 2009), and the Nam Jun Paik Centre award (2010); in 2012 he was awarded the French Légion d’Honneur. Respondent: Bronislaw Szerszynski (Lancaster University) Bronislaw Szerszynski is Senior Lecturer and Head of Department at the Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, UK, where he also works at the Centre for the Study of Environmental Change (CSEC). His research focuses on the changing relations between humans, environment and technology, drawing on social theory, environmental history, qualitative sociological research, philosophy and theology. He is author of Nature, Technology and the Sacred (2005) and co-editor of Changing Climates, a special double issue of Theory Culture and Society (2010). His current research topics include the Anthropocene, climate geoengineering and discourses of techno-social transition to a 'green economy'. |
12:45-13:45 | Lunch Break |
13:45-15:15 | Panel 2: Ecologies of the AnthropoceneModerator: Helga Nowotny (President, European Research Council) Helga Nowotny is Professor Emerita of ETH Zurich in Social Studies of Science, and currently President of the ERC. She has held research and teaching positions in Vienna, Berlin, Bielefeld, Paris, Budapest, Zurich and Cambridge and has published widely in the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS). Her most recent book (with Giuseppe Testa) is Naked Genes. Re-Inventing the Human in a Molecular Age (MIT, 2011). Helga Nowotny is also a Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and the Academia Europaea. 1. Oliver Morton (Briefings editor, The Economist) ‘How to think about the stratosphere’ Oliver Morton is a writer and editor who concentrates on scientific knowledge, technological change and their effects. He is currently an editor at The Economist; he has previously been a senior editor at the international scientific journal Nature and the editor ofWired UK; his writing has appeared in other outlets including The New Yorker, The American Scholar, and National Geographic. His book Mapping Mars: Science, Imagination and the Birth of a World (2002) deals with scientific and other ways of understanding a place that cannot at present be visited. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet (2007) is a study of the histories of photosynthesis. He is currently working on The Deliberate Planet, a book about geoengineering. 2. Adam Lowe (Factum Arte and the Factum Foundation for Digital Technology in Conservation) ‘Terra-Forming: Engineering the Sublime’ Adam Lowe is an artist and the founder of Factum Arte and the Factum Foundation for Digital Technology in Conservation. Research and investigation into the mediation and transformation of information is at the core of all Factum Arte’s work. He and a team from Factum Arte created the facsimile of the Wedding at Cana by Veronese for the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice in 2007 -- widely acclaimed as a turning point in attitudes towards replication and preservation, and focusing on the relationship between authenticity and originality. In 2009 Adam Lowe was awarded the Microsoft prize for Les Humanities Scientifique by Science Po (Paris). Bruno Latour and Adam Lowe co-authored ‘The Migration of the Aura--or how to explore the Original through its Facsimiles’ for Switching Codes: Thinking through Digital Technology in the Humanities and the Arts (Chicago UP, 2011). 3. Bruno Latour (Science Po, Paris) ‘Inquiry into Modes of Existence:the AIME project and the Anthropocene’ Discussion |
15:15 | Closing remarks: Professor Ivar Bleiklie (Director of the Holberg Prize) |
Event is open and free to all |